Round the World

And I’m off at last, welcome to Canada…..

Today is the day. Spent last evening down at my brother’s, along with my dad having a great meal at restaurant called the Madagascan Gin Palace. Quality food but I would have gone there for the name alone.

I was originally planning to fly out on the 11 September having not connected the date in my head. Having realised the significance of the date and believing that with the world’s security staff being on alert the vibes would be bad, I booked to fly out today. It didn’t save me, as Canada’s immigration and customs officials were double checking everything and it took about an hour to get through. I was concerned that Jim and Cari would not realise the reasons for the delay and would think they had missed me somehow. I needn’t have worried as a combination of traffic and heading to the wrong terminal initially meant they pulled up just as I got outside. Things looked up as we bought a case of beer on the way to the apartment and Cari told me how she had put her heart and soul into a giant pot of Chilli. Welcome to Canada……..

One reply on “And I’m off at last, welcome to Canada…..”

In all the planning and preparation for the trip I was never once apprehensive. Until the moment my dad dropped me off at Heathrow and I walked into the terminal. I had a sudden anxiety about whether I could do this.

To calm myself I though about the next few days. Could I spend 5 nights on Jim’s couch? Of course I could. Then the same length of time in a hostel in New York? No problem. Then the hippy bus across the USA? No idea, I’d deal with that when I got to it…

And so within a minute the nervousness had passed and I was on my way.

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