Had a very different Christmas to normal. The hostel put on a Champagne breakfast before we all grabbed our beers and headed down to Bondi beach. The sky was totally blue, not a wisp of cloud in sight and the beach was full of revellers. Most fun was watching a couple of guys in Santa suits attempting to surf. Got slightly sunburnt in a couple of places I didn’t sunscreen properly, but thankfully not too badly.

It really doesn’t feel like Christmas out here as the days are long, the weather is hot (31 deg C) and the Aussies are lower key on the Christmas theme than back at home. In fact I still haven’t had a turkey dinner or a hint of stuffing.
Spent yesterday afternoon with a couple of pals from the hostel checking out sites to base ourselves on New Year and walking across the harbour bridge. Matt & Joanne live just down the road from me in Solihull……..
After a few too many nights of listening to cheesy music in backpacker bars I plan to head to Home tonight for some decent dance music and then tomorrow a group from the hostel is going to watch the 3rd Lord of the Rings film.
Sydney has been fun but I am looking forward to getting back on the road again, seeing new places and a bit of countryside.