
128 entries.
Kev, Emily and William Kev, Emily and William from England wrote on 2004-04-12 at 7:18 pm
Hi Ken,I really like the chevrons down your cheeks! They look really groovy. Hope they don't wash off! By they way did you know you have some fluff stuck to your chin! Seriously though it looks much better than mine did when I tried it. You really look like a traveller now.The Thai beaches sound fantastic, I like the sound of the one that you reach by boat and then just have to chill out at a bar over-looking the water. My idea of heaven.Just been to Warwick Races for the day with Emily, William, Karen and Chris. Karen is minted now after backing 3 winners! In the future I will just follow Karen's advice and forget the Times pundit.Glad to read you are still having a great time. The photos are ace and it is great to read your updates.See ya
Dave O Dave O wrote on 2004-04-12 at 6:13 pm
No idea if Seth's news has reached you, but he's marrying Ealish. No details as of yet. Will pester him about same when in states next week.
Pia and Ola Pia and Ola from Sweden wrote on 2004-04-12 at 2:37 pm
Hi Ken! Finally took a look at your nice website!! Sounds like you're having fun!!
Miriam&Lawrence Miriam&Lawrence from UK wrote on 2004-04-04 at 5:36 pm
HiKen! more words for getting you bored, lol. Just to say, Lawrence is mad and wants to move to Australia!!! Please, persuade him and tell him UK/Spain are the best country in the world...pleaseeeeeeeeee.Enjoy and more photos of you!!
Sally Y Sally Y from Scotland wrote on 2004-03-14 at 6:22 pm
Enjoying following your travels.Didnt see you in with the bears! Take care
Admin Reply:
Cheers for following my travels. I was in there with the bears as they were just cute little things. Didn't go in with the tiger in the cage opposite though....
Kate Rigley Kate Rigley from Is Barnaby bear? wrote on 2004-03-06 at 8:54 pm
Hi Ken its kate here!!!!! WOW Ken it looks like u are havin the time of your life!!!!!! Which u should be havin cos its a once in a lifetime opportunity and im so jealous!!!!!! Ive been reading ur journal but not posted anything until now (obviously - otherwise u'd have seen it) Everything looks amazing -Have you met many people? or got any travelling companions? Where are you going next?Are u missing home or Solihull? Adam got ur postcards and stuff and there up on the postcard board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News from home!!!!!!!!!!!!* Ive had 3 weeks off work cos my skool burnt down! (well one block was)*been out clubbing a lot - Went to Fabric and it was wicked!*Ur flat is nice and tidy - thanx to me coming round to clen it!!!!! + painted the kitchen for u - well it was ads idea!do u wanna know what colour?* Are you going to cook us something from ur thai cook course when ur back?*Think me and my mate will follow in ur footsteps next year and go travelling round Europe on a train for a month next year!!!!!!!!!!!Anyway - hope u enjoy the rest of ur time travelling and keep having a wicked time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Shall i put in MORE exclamation marks? or are there enough? ha ha take care K*A*T*E
Admin Reply:
Kate, thanks for the comments and news from home. The trip has been both fun and educational; do your trip & enjoy it a lot.I meet people in most places I go (actually, I usually meet people on the transport between places). Some you hang with for a day or so, some longer, some you meet in several places or countries.Cheers for looking after the flat with Ad & I promise to cook up some Thai when I get back. Prepare your tongue for some very tasty chilli action.
DeaKon DeaKon wrote on 2004-02-22 at 12:26 am
Kenny lad ...........Stop getting so pissed up that you can't fire some chat into foreign members of the opposite sex.I'll be drinking Pimms at Glastonbury and thinking of you on the Tuesday.Thursday onwards its dirty Perry Cider all the way ! 😛
Admin Reply:
Deaks you jammy git. One of my few regrets about this trip is missing Glastonbury. Get you act together for buying tickets on the 1st April and have a great time. I'll be missing the Perry but Thailand's Chang beer is as destructive, if less pleasant.On the ladies front I have been chatting with those I meet however out here in Asia :(1) the local ladies who will chat to you will be looking for payment at the end(2) There are fewer single female travellers out here than couples and blokes....
Dave O Dave O wrote on 2004-02-02 at 5:04 pm
And so, the intrepid adventurer fights his way through the undergrowth, disappearing into the wilds, off to live the life of a wise, travelling hermit, never to be seen again... well, maybe if you look for some place that serves a decent pint you might find him...Sounds like things are going pretty well. Have fun and be careful out there. We do want you back, you know...
Admin Reply:
Not that a decent pint narrows things down much in Laos as everywhere serves Beer Lao. Its a nice refreshing pint, however I'm sure its alchohol content varies from batch to batch.
Dan K Dan K from Nice, France wrote on 2004-01-30 at 2:09 pm
Hey Ken,Well I dig the site - I was in the UK last night having a curry (what else!) with Andy W and your travels came up. It is looking good and I am amazed at all these old names who are popping up from the past - Raglan and Nick escaping is wonderful... Glad to see you are having fun. Say hello to the Trans-Sib when you get there it is bloody marvellous (see my site) and if you fancy a stop in the South of France when overlanding Moscow to UK, do drop in! All the best mate - Enjoy.....
Admin Reply:
Cheers for the site complement and I am pleased at the names that pop up on here. Its good to hear from people back home. Looking forward to the Trans-Siberian but the Russian visa looks like being a real pain.
Raglan and Nick Raglan and Nick from Blighty wrote on 2004-01-28 at 10:17 pm
Hi KenHope the travels are going well. It looks as if you are having a ball from your journal! I am sitting here reading your site with Nick Ford, who has now left TRW and joined Mindsheet.Look forward to you joining us upon your return!
Admin Reply:
Big news. So Nick, are you moving south or back to Bristol???
Jim and Cari Jim and Cari from Hamilton, ON Canada wrote on 2004-01-28 at 8:48 pm
Hi Ken!Merry Xmas and A happy New Year. Just thought we should catch up since we haven't communicated since Toronto. Looks like you're having the time of your life. Wish we could meet you in Thailand b/c we need to get the hell out of the cold (average temp for the last week -20), but we are kept warm with the thoughts of our new house. We'll keep checking the site for updates and more pictures, don't you look handsome with a beard. How did the tampons work out for ya?!? But DUDE, WHERES THE TAN???? Jim & Cari
Admin Reply:
Things are getting very warm now I am heading south again and the trip has been both fun and interesting. What new house, email me with some details.I finally tracked down all Cari's little presents she scattered through my luggage before anyone else did. As for the tan its getting stronger but (a) I'm Scottish & unlikely to get very dark and (b) its a T-shirt tan as you are expected to wear at least a sleeved T-shirt in SE Asia.
joan O'C joan O'C from Worcestershire, Uk wrote on 2004-01-07 at 11:13 am
Happy New Year Ken - watch out for the spiders & sharks!
Admin Reply:
Its was a Happy Hogmanay watching teh fireworks. Hope you all had a good time at home.
xuejing xuejing wrote on 2004-01-05 at 7:47 am
hi,happy new year,welcome to CHINA!please view my husband's web if convinient,
Admin Reply:
I won't arrive in China until July but I'm looking forward to it. Had a quick look at the website but as I can't read Chinese I got a little stuck....
Richard & Malene Richard & Malene from Sydney wrote on 2003-12-30 at 11:22 am
Hi Ken!We're in Sydney for New Year and if you're still about it would be great to meet up. We're staying at the Grace Hotel in York St. I don't know what the plan should be yet (going to see if I can get tips about where to see the fireworks from the hotel staff), but we'll be there or there abouts tomorrow - along with about half a million others!!Hope to see you,Richard & Malene
Malene & Richard Malene & Richard from Cairns wrote on 2003-12-28 at 10:44 am
Hi Ken,We arrived in Sydney all right on around 15th December. I (Malene) had the mishap of being taken ill there, nothing serious it turned out but I was scared shitless. I will tell you more about that. I still bare the scars to prove it! We are coming to Sydney again on 30th December and are currently in Cairns having covered 2800 km in a car from Sydney which we will tell you about. We are staying in the Grace Hotel in York Street in Sydney City centre. Let us know where we can get hold of of you so we can meet up. Neither of us knew it was your birthday on 18th but thank God for your guestbook!Malene & Richard
Jones 'the Hammer' Jones 'the Hammer' from Rainy Redditch wrote on 2003-12-26 at 8:13 pm
Ken, Hope U enjoyed Xmas down under. My mate in Melbourne has filled me in previously & it doesn't sound much like the goings on in Blighty @ this time of yr - Xmas dinner on the beach, etc.My folks succumbed to some fairly heavy hints in Waterstones before Xmas & bought me 2 books U recommended - 'Good Vibrations' and compendium of Bill Bryson 'travelogues'. Only just started, but looking good. Thanks for the tip.Currently finishing off M.M's 'Stupid White Men' which is good, so 'Dude...' is up after that.Have an eventful 2004!!.Cheers. Mark.
Sally Yuill Sally Yuill from Scotland wrote on 2003-12-26 at 10:49 am
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from all at West Newton. Safe travels
Dave H Dave H from Cambridge wrote on 2003-12-25 at 11:18 pm
Some people have suggested my last message may have been politically insensitive, so:Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practised within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, with respect for the religious/ secular persuasions and/ or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all..... ...and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2004, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make Britain great, (not to imply that Britain is necessarily greater than any other country or is the only "Britain" in the Western hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer platform, or sexual preference of the wishee. By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her-/ himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher. (With acknowledgement to David Richards, Esq., 1999)
Dave H Dave H from Cambridge wrote on 2003-12-24 at 12:35 pm
Happy Christmas Ken! Hope Hogmanay works from Sydney :)Best wishes Dave & Caro
loz loz from UK wrote on 2003-12-23 at 10:28 pm
Hi Ken. Well it sounds like you are having a great time. Think of us in the freezing cold UK while you are enjoying yourself lol. I hope you have a great Xmass and a drunk New Year. We will raise a glass to you on New Years eve. Take care .